Cant Sleep Anymore!

edited February 2011 in Sleep
after i found out i was pregnant I cant get a good night oh sleep yet! I'm always up tossing and turning and I wake up a lot in the middle of the night when i do fall asleep! I need a good night of sleep!! what to do? :(


  • Try sleeping a different way then ur used to sleeping, like for me would be my back cause I was used to sleeping on my stomach, it worked lol. I also noticed that I barley sleep in my bed but when I sleep on the couch I actually get 8 hours worth I know it sounds weird but when I sleep in my bed I wake up every 4 hours but on the couch .... heaven lol idk what it is. Try eating before u sleep too it helped keep me from waking up feelin sick n starvin at the same time :) hope this helps
  • Okay I will try that!! :) thank u!!
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