my baby shower

edited September 2011 in Baby showers
Had my baby shower yesterday hosted by my absolute best friend in the world. I had around 20 adults rsvp(small amount of family in our area and friends). My bestie makes amazing cupcakes so we had a ton of those plus peach soup, chocolate covered pretzel sticks, cake pops, and cheese balls with orange soda or lemonade for drinks.(shower colors were orange and yellow and giraffes) The decorations were gorgeous. I adore her! That was the positive!
Here comes the upsetting part...8 out of the 20 adults showed up. A couple had emailed me the day before that something had come up, one messaged me 5 minutes after the shower started that she wasn't coming, and 3 family members have never contacted me to say why they didn't come! I got one item off my registries, my sister got us a $100 shopping card but didn't give it to me cause she wants it to be a sister shopping time...which is sweet but what if she backs out and doesn't give me the gift? I did get diapers from everyone...which was great. But I still have soooooo much that we need for Maddox. I am so thankful to those that came, but hurt that so many backed out at the last minute. It just really hurts my feelings and has kind of overshadowed the wonderful shower And gifts we did get:(
Normally I wouldn't even stress that we Have so much he still needs...but I run a home daycare And just recently lost a family with 3 children in my care. (The grandma got them a nanny...I had watched their oldest for over 2.5 years and held spots for the twin newborns for months). This left me with one daycare kiddo, a third of my weekly income, and at 8 months pregnant its next to impossible to fill my empty spots. So, we are financially screwed right now. My husband is trying to get a 2nd job to help until after I deliver and can get kiddos in again. I'm so freaked out...I feel like a failure and the rude people that backed out on coming just made me feel worse. Sorry this was long...but I needed to get it all out!


  • Awww that sucks, I'm sorry :( Sounds like your friend went to a lot of work too, so that is a disappointment for so many people to no show! Hopefully they still get you gifts though.....they should! Good luck mamas!
  • @baileygoose thanks! I hope so...but I'm just going to work on it ourselves. Luckily we have most of the big stuff that we bought before the downfall of my lively Hood....including crib, swing, clothes, etc. My sister got us a playpen with built in bassinet(nearly new) and my mom got us our travel system. But I'm just a control freak who feels unprepared!
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