I dont know...

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
If I can handle this for 3 more weeks til I get induced. I start my leave on friday, so I only have 4 days left of work. But I have SO MUCH pressure, I can't even stand up straight anymore. I am trying to ignore the bh, but they were so bad today I was at l&d for like 3hrs. Ummphh... I just dont know if I can handle it anymore. Plus I think my feet are just going to explode :-??


  • I'm sorry :/ do you have someone who can rub your feet? I'm a ftm and 35 weeks but haven't had any pressure, sorry I can't help much. but pressure is good! It means baby is ready to come! Good luck!
  • Yea ima ftm too and havent had any of that except swollen feet.. and bladder pressure.. sorry..
  • Thanks @kimberly4411 my hubby rubs them for me alot. He is amazing. But they are just so swollen all the time... It only helps a lil. I will be 36wks on tues. This lil girl head down (has been since 28wks) and she dropped this past week too. I have had some pressure from that during the week, but it is so much worse today. i am a ftm too, and dont get me wrong, I am so excited to be pregnant, but I just want our lil girl to be here :)
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