contraction?First time pregnancy

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So this is my first pregnancy. Ill be 38 weeks on wensday&my last check up the doctor said I was 2 cm dilated&80% effaced. Today I had a lot of discharge(sorry if tmi). Then a while ago I was laying down and my lower back started hurting so I tryed to get comfortable but couldn't really. Within a couple seconds my stomach got tight and I felt pressure and as if I had to poo(sorry if tmi again.)it was not pleasent was very uncomfortable. And it lasted for about a minute and a half and then finally went away. Like I said this is my first baby so I'm not all too familiar if this was a contraction or early sign of labor?. I was just gonna wait to see if I had another one to know but like to know if this is familiar to anyone else?


  • Idk sorry, so bump
  • for me me contractions felt like period cramps but SOOOOOO much worse..but i definitely felt like pooping..i even tried to go but every time i push i was actually pushing my son out..
  • Exactly that's what I felt like period cramps but feeling like I had to poop. (Srry for tmi)
  • Im having the same thing But im only 35 weeks
  • well that's how i felt..are you drinking water..
  • It sounds to me like the contractions I had with my first. Make sure you're drinking lots of water. Try to go for a small walk...if they get stronger or more consistent then they're most likely real contractions :-)
  • I just experienced everything your talking about on saturday and those are definitely contractions you guys should go to l&d and get checked out you might be dilated more then you think good luck ladies and this was my first too
  • I didn't end up having anymore after that so I'm thinking it was just BH which I get occasionally. I drink lots and lots of water. Thank you guys for your answers helped a lot!(:
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