i am 12w/4d and i didn't see a doctor yet

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I really don't like to go to the doctor.. with my first pregnancy I saw a doctor at 7 months my second pregnancy I went to the doctor at 4 months.. I know I need to go to the doctor but I hate having to go through that


  • It is up to you but I would encourage you to check and see that everything is fine. It us a pain waiting and being examined but there are many befits.
  • Its better for the baby to have prenatal care. The first place where I made an appointment said they couldn't see me until March 4th. I'm gonna be in my second trimester by then! The new place has already seen me three times and they're super nice. I'm not a huge fan of doctors either, but they make getting my blood drawn (my worst phobia) relatively painless. The doctor I'm seeing is super cool! She's the first doctor I've ever had who hasn't told me I'm overweight, which is a nice self-esteem boost :D just find a great place and you should do ok!
  • Yur due yur first scan so if u would like to see yur baby for the first time i.d say let yur doctor knw plus u blood test need to be done its all for a great reason the tell u to let yur doc knw as 1 they keep u an the baby safe 2 to help u through yur pregnancy with info bout labor an what the hospital offers you
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