Advice concerning a frustrated baby at the breast!!

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
My son is 3 weeks today, and im exclusively bf. He has recently become frustrated while feeding.. He pulls back, tenses up, and squeezes me in so hard! Its not at every feeding, but becoming more and more frequent. Does anyone have any advice to why hes doing, this?


  • Sometimes my daughter does that and I just have to move her to a different feeding position or get her more comfy
  • He may have gas or maybe to much milk is coming out for him to handle. My son did that too. I laid our bellies together and patted his lower back while he nursed in that position. Then he farted a few times and was much happier. He also sleeps so good on his belly and that pushes the gas out too!
  • Mine does too sometimes, I usually let her off and pat her some. Its usually gas or poo. If nothing else, I bring her to my face and softly shh her to calm her.
  • Try a new position, but its usually gas for my girl too.
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  • I was thinking the opposite, that he isn't getting enough milk! He has been wanting to eat all day pretty much and not sleeping well. Does this sound normal for a baby at 3 weeks old?
  • He is very gassy though. I feel so bad for his little tummy!! I got him gripe water today but haven't used it yet. Has anyone given their baby this before?
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  • I had to stop breast feeding because of this. She would become completely inconsolable. I would try for so long before I would have no other choice than to give in an use a bottle. It really sucks as I wanted to bf exclusively but she refuses to latch at all even with a shield. I'm jealous of all of you women.
  • Have you gave him a paci? ? A nurse gave my son a paci ...well he acted exactly how you are describing n eventually git to the point he wouldn't eat from breast..just bottle ...grrr [-(
  • Yes, he takes a paci. Sometimes he does great nursing. Other times not so much. Its like once the milk slows down he gets mad!
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