Bad Timing: I was accepted to Nursing School starts Sep 30/ my C-section is scheduled for Sep 30

I am so broken hearted about not being able to accept the spot. This is the second time life has prevented me from becoming a nurse. I know it makes me sound awful, because I am having my last baby instead (we've been trying to get pregnant since 2005) and everyone will think I'm selfish, but I am REALLY sad that I can't go. I know I should have no regrets, but right now I just want to feel sorry for myself. Everyone is telling me that I'm getting a better ending, with the baby. I do believe that, but why can't my friends and family just let me be sad about missing THIS opportunity. Just for a minute. I'm not saying I would trade my baby girl for it...I just need to be sad and disappointed for a minute. It's like I am now a bad mom for wanting this too. UgHH! Sorry, I am just really sad and no one in my "real life" is making me feel better, even though they all think they are trying.

I literally applied for nursing school 3 hours before I got my positive results. Now I am supposed to be starting school the day that I have my baby. Fate is funny sometimes!


  • Hun you aren't a bad mom at all!!! Things like this happen they you can't control. When baby is old enough that you feel comfortable going, apply again! Im sure you will be accepted!! You're a wonderful person, I understand your upset and you have a right to be, but don't think for a second it makes you be a bad mommy!
  • You're not a bad mother at all. Don't beat yourself up about it. Sometimes things just work out differently than what we wanted them to.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincessses and @kayleigh27 thank you! Everyone was really making me feel mom told me "no child is a mistake" simply because I was sad about the timing. It just made me feel guilty which just made me feel worse. I knew my Pregly Pals would understand. just needed someone to say it. thank you sooo much!
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  • I understand I'm in school and preggo and I wish I could just devote all time and energy to school but I must make plans for baby girl and do things for her I know what you mean you want to do something good for you and it just isn't working out in your favor... can you go next semester? ??
  • I understand I'm in school and preggo and I wish I could just devote all time and energy to school but I must make plans for baby girl and do things for her I know what you mean you want to do something good for you and it just isn't working out in your favor... can you go next semester? ??
  • I understand I'm in school and preggo and I wish I could just devote all time and energy to school but I must make plans for baby girl and do things for her I know what you mean you want to do something good for you and it just isn't working out in your favor... can you go next semester? ??
  • You are not a bad mom and know one should ever tell you that.. Definitely once baby arrives look into applying again...I'm sure you will be accepted again. :)
  • Thats so frustrating :( Maybe theyll make a spot for you next semester or something.... I'm sorry life doesnt go as planned! Id be so annoyed if I were you
  • I will apply next fall. Hoping that if I was a good pick for this year I will be a good pick for next. I'm not going to give up my dream, just have to remember it's being put on hold for another dream. I kknow it will work out, it just hurts having people tell me how horrible I am for being sad. I love Pregly, because you all understand what I'm feeling, and instead of judgement, I get understanding. Truly, I was in tears earlier, and just having you all suppport me has helped so much. Sometimes "strangers" can just understand better than those that are closest to things! Thank you! I guess I will just have to hope for a second chance next year. If all goes well I will have another beautiful child AND a nursing degree. :)
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