how did labor start for you?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I've got 38 weeks down & two to go & each day I wake up wishing for some sort of sign that labor is near. Today I've been feeling TONS of pressure & a really bad crampy/achy feeling in my vag. Could this mean anything at all? & also how did the whole labor process start for you? I just want to know if there is any signs I should look out for besides the obvious contractions or water breaking.


  • First, her DD was 8/25/11.

    I lost my plug 2am 8/24, layed down, started feeling real contractions, so I couldn't sleep. I was nervous to get up to go pee, since my water hadn't broken & its unpredictable, lol. But 30 min later, I did go pee, lost more plug. Slept some, woke up, more contractions. Actually a strong contraction woke me. That day we ended up doing laundry, well my mom & bf did, I was just there while she washed our clothes, lol. Contractions were closer while there. We came home, I took a nice long hot bath, timing contractions on my phone at the same time. After blow drying my hair, we took a cab (nyc) to the hospital. Got there & admitted around 6:45pm at 6-7 cm & 90% effaced. Got an epi eventually. I actually felt my water break around 3am on the 25th, which we were all talking mid sentence & I interrupted them with that news, lol. After 5ish hrs of unsuccessful pushing, had to get (I didn't HAVE to had they let me do what I wanted) a c-section. And she was born at 8:12am on her DD. I was scheduled for an induction on her DD at 9pm, I'm EXTREMELY happy she decided labor was coming before then.
  • I woke up with my first at 3:00 am...had dull back .pain. didn't think much went back to sleep....I was in.labor n didn't know it. I was 3 days away from due date
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  • My water had just broke
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