Can't sleep - need food!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
It's 5.30am here and I have been awake for an hour! Been trying to go back to sleep but I am now feeling hungry so think I'm gonna get up to eat!! Maybe do something useful like some ironing while I catch up on my telly too! As a side note got my c-section date yesterday, if my little man hasn't arrived by then (fingers crossed!) He will be coming on Nov 10th! (*)


  • Lol you sound just like me :)
  • Lol!! I got up, ate, then ended up falling back to sleep for an hour! Now ready for breakfast number 2!! Got some strawberries in the fridge calling to me!
  • Its 4am here an I just woke up to a peanut butter sandwich lol
  • I go to bed at night, don't really sleep spend most the night wondering about my house doing odd jobs like cleaning the sofa... Then make my fiance breakfast an his packed lunch, send him off to work, divert the works fone lol get breakfast an go to bed Haha. I sleep better in the day then I do at night! But then when I wake up if my fil hasn't been in the office I have a ton of work to catch up on!!
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