Lying now?

edited September 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
Idk what's going on with my relationship but I'm noticing that he's starting to lie to me about little stuff. First it started with text messages. A girl he had relations with was texting him having a "catch up"convo. Fine. But then she started texting him about sex. He deleted all the messages. My intuition bugged me so I checked his phone and the only messages that were there was one from her dating "and cumming all over my face". His reply : "sounds good to me. I was furious. Then he lied to me about the whole ordeal then finally told the truth. Hr didn't participate in that convo. But he lied to me about it.

We were having trouble with bills at one point so he pawned his ps3 and told me that it was in the shop.Another stupid lie.

Our leasing office left us a note saying we owe them 950$ for our rent, a bounced check, and late fee. I didn't understand why the check bounced when he should have had the money in his account. I found a letter from his bank yesterday saying that the check was returned because he overdrafted. None of this is making sense. But all he told me was the office charged us twice and the bank froze the payment and that he would handle it.

Why the hell is it becoming so easy for him to lie and hide stuff from me? Its pissing me the fuck off and our son will be here any day now!

Vent semi over. Sorry so long I just needed to get that out


  • Uh oh better get this situated before the baby comes
  • I had to top reading at coming on the face. I think that is one of the dirtiest things a man can do to a woman and a woman who enjoys it is just trash to me. And a man who does it is just as nasty. Sorry id get a new man if he wants to spill fluids on ur face. Y not spit or pee in her face as well? Sorry I hate that! L-)
  • @mandac10 I was suck on that too. Like where the eff did this beach come from? No way in hell I'm doing that
  • @newmomma13 he's a good guy and tests me good but lately this little lying shut is irking me. Its just uncalled for
  • I agree 100% with @mandac10....on another note, have u noticed him.acting shady like he's doing.something? Why the hell is she texting him and how did she get his #?
  • @adri805 he's on his phone alot. I alway don't trust him but I dont wanna go looking for stuff but I damn sure dont wanna be naive about it either. Idk how she got it
  • Sounds pretty fishy. I hate that you are having to deal with that. Especially this close to the baby being born.
  • One lie always leads to another lie & before u know it you've got a whole pool filled of lies. Not that I know what's going on..but I'm just saying. Keep your eyes & ears open. I hope youre able to get to the bottom of everything by the time baby comes
  • Have u asked him....that's not a good situation at all!!!! I would b all over that. Ain't no way no b**** gonna have my BD #. That's just super shady to Me. Id b on his ass or u can always get her # n call her urself
  • @adri805 she did text me! On his behalf. I wanted to go off but the mommy in me wouldn't do it.
  • ...uh...

    ...women who are prego are VERY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH...

    ...and who likes to do it to someone who's always acting like a total "beeyotch"??...lmfao...not me...& how unnecessarily are pregos just flat out mean??, unless you're making sure he's sexually gratified...of course, "cumming all over" anywhere sounds good!!...guys stay horny...pregos don't...

    ...and who likes to admit to being broke?...its embarrassing...& if its gonna be a fight, because he's broke...of course he ain't gonna tell you...

    Omg nice...& sex him up...lmfao

  • @Carsons_ mommy super fishy. He would be out if I find out he's doing something stupid

    @clope18 my point exactly. Even though that happened two months ago I still can't get pass the fact that my perfect guy did something so stupid
  • @OMFGimmaBABYDADDY wtf?! Pregnant or not this is a committed relationship and I could care less about what sounds good. Acting like a total beyotch? Thats just rude and unnecessary. We may be hard to deal with, but"boys" don't have to carry babies WE DO. SO SUCK IT UP OUR STAY OUT OF OUR WAY
  • Yeah sometimes ur just too hurt & don't wanna believe some of the things they do to us. Men are never as good as they seem. It suxs but its the truth :/
  • I don't know if I would believe the whole bank thing.. unless you bank at a small town bank that knows you by name. I work at a bank and process the ach debit/credits every morning and we don't know what you spend money on.. so there's no way they would just freeze your account without you being notified first. Sounds fishy to me.
  • He needs to seriously think about how he would feel if you did the same thing to him. He's slowly destroying the trust in the relationship.
    N in my opinion... There is no reason for any female to talk about cumming on her face to my husband.
  • U should have asked her y the hell she was texting ur man...what did she say to u?

    @omfgimmababydaddy actually I'm always groping, touching, rubbing n just flat out molesting my bd. About 90% of the time im the one who initiates sex or n e thing sexual. I'm hardly ever mean now though I used to b at the beginning. I'm actually the one who deals with the bs n mean-ness he has been projecting in my direction over petty ass bs such as asking what he planned on doing after watching the football game last night bc I was concerned where he was going to stay at. But he took it as me trying to check up on him...plz, I just worry that he's gonna land his ass back in jail 2weeks 5 days before his firstborn arrives. As if I had no right to ask. N of course no1 likes to admit they're broke but if my BD was having $$ issues I would want to know so I could help him figure out where to take it from.there. u make it seem like all pregnant women r horrible to deal with. We r allllllllll different.
  • N yeah that was a bit rude of him, no it was totally uncalled for. We r not all like ur babymommas...if u have nothing nice to say don't say n e thing at all @omfgimmababydaddy
  • @soontohavethree the bank stopped it because he overdrafted. idk wat is going on

    @alilboulding I wanted to kill him and her. I knew there were more to the messages then he was telling me.

    @adri805 " I know lamarr and I text him the other day and I was doing most of the talking and he told me we couldnt talk especially after I said somethings and I want to apologize because I dont want to get him caught up in something that he really didnt have part in so I asked him to give me your number cause I couldnt reach u on facebook he is a really great person and I just got caught up in the moment but I just wanted u to know knowing lamarr he really cares about u and I just kinda missed him and got carried away so please dont be angry at him he didnt put me up to this I just dont want him to get in trouble for something I said he respects u and made it very clear so I apologize again" her exact words

  • Oh wow...well I hope he stopped talking to her after that
  • @adri805 I hope so too. Im trying to trust him but my intuition.....ugh
  • Always trust ur intuition!!! He's gotta build.that trust back. If it were the other way around would he b so forgiving?
  • @adri805 he day he would but I dont believe it
  • Yeah I know what u mean...just try not to stress...harder said then done coz I'm not b saying that when r u due
  • Oct 10. You?
  • ing@_Kaykes have you tried to just talk to him about the whole ordeal? I mean sometimes things can seem a bit more than they are sometimes if you say your relationship is good with him there can just be a few miscommunications, Im not gratifying his lying but i would have a talk with him and let him know that him lying is going to make matters worse between u, and openess will be out the door if you guys dont talk things through

    @OMFGimmaBABYDADDY NOT every preggo is total "B" just like NOT every man is a liar........and yes being broke is embarrassing but when youre in a established relationship with someone then that is obviously not something u hide from one another bc it involves the both of you.....if didnt pay their rent its affecting the both if they both live dont take it the wrong way but im just saying not every preggo is a "B" lol
  • ...lmao...


    ..I'm just offering perspective..

    Don't take me so literally..

    ..guys do stupid stuff..& say stupid goes beyond reasoning...

    ...women probe, nag and are well known for their knack for antagonism...LOL..

    Pregos...have chemical imbalances...scientifically proven, imbalances...which result in erratic behavior patterns...lmfao...I've been doing some field research...hahaaa!!

    ...& I wasn't trying to be rude...just speaking like a guy if I could've set it up better..@adri805 of your own...helped me to prove my hypotheses...

    *i apologize for being abrasive

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