HEY... HEY... GUESS WHAT?>!?!?!
I am getting induced in the morning! THANK YOU, JESUS! I saw my doc today and my bp was up to 144/74! I Was shocked. she did have me lay on my left side to take it, which came back better. but when they monitored little miss Princess Lou she didn't like my left side, she liked me sitting up. I am STILL only 1cm dilated, and very thick. 2 membrane sweeps, 1 1/2 wks of monitoring and at 42 wks.... or 41 wks.... this child is getting evicted!
I have heard of various times to come in to get induced...but i have to be there at 530a!!! i was shocked- i mean, crap that's early. don't get me wrong, i'm just excited I KNOW when this child will make her debut and that i was able to get my parents to take the kids for us. we have to get up at 345a just to shower and drive there. so tomorrow morning i will start my induction documentary!! keep a look out!
I have heard of various times to come in to get induced...but i have to be there at 530a!!! i was shocked- i mean, crap that's early. don't get me wrong, i'm just excited I KNOW when this child will make her debut and that i was able to get my parents to take the kids for us. we have to get up at 345a just to shower and drive there. so tomorrow morning i will start my induction documentary!! keep a look out!
@ll10 i am so stinkin excited- you are exactly right, i will hardly sleep. i looked at them crazy and said "no sleep aid?" they just grinned. i wasn't joking tho! :-?