And my countdown until delivery begins!

edited September 2011 in September 2011
I had my last appointment today! I am currently dilated to a 2, 50% effaced, and the baby is at a -3 station. My blood pressure was pretty high but my doctor isn't too worried because of the induction being scheduled only 38 hours away. She just instructed me to watch out for the normal symptoms of the pre-e. I can't wait! One draw back to the appointment, I was hoping to be able to get up and walk around with this pregnancy and it doesn't look possible. For the past 4 weeks they have only been able to get my stubborn daughters heart rate with ultrasound. On thursday I went into l&d because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid and they couldn't get her heart rate to measure on the monitors, so my doctor told me today they will be monitoring me internally to keep a good eye on the baby. I guess it's better that way we know shes safe!


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