no appetite after bby!!??

edited September 2011 in Health
had my bby 2weeks ago n haven't really had an appetite since?? I'm not depressed or anything..don't know how I'm suppose to b making milk if I'm not really eating.. I think its cuz I don't have my own kitchen n don't like goin in my moms messy ass kitchen to make something to eat... idk.. agh anyone had this happen after bby!??


  • I also had my baby a littleover 2 weeks ago and ya no appetite at all. I eat maybe once a day...I know its not healthy but I'm just not hungry
  • My baby is 5w almost 6 and i still have no appetite.. i eat no more than 2 meals a day
  • My baby is 5w almost 6 and i still have no appetite.. i eat no more than 2 meals a day
  • Me but then it came back full force at like 3 weeks pp and Ive gain some of my wieght back :(
  • My baby is 5w almost 6 and i still have no appetite.. i eat no more than 2 meals a day
  • Sry for all those comments
  • I'm 5 weeks pp and there has been some days I just eat a bowl of cereal smh I'm just not hungry. Maybe I'm just too tired
  • my lil girl was also born two weeks ago n im also nvr hungry. I try n force myself to eat even if its just some fruit. Im also stil taking vitamins. I guess my crazy sleep schedule and my mind always on the baby, eating is last on my mind.
  • I was the same way. I've lost more weight than I gained. My doctor actually accused me of anorexia?! But I'm now almost 9 weeks pp and my appetite is finally coming back.
  • Yes I experience that after having babies too. I feel like a breathearian...which is kind of like a step beyond being a vegatarian except you just breathe lol. When I brought up my concerns about quality milk production docs told me to make sure i take prenatal vitamins and drink a lot a lot and awhole lot more of water. & said that my body would pull nutrients from my body to make good milk. I gained over 100lbs while prego tho too...Idk if the docs would say otherwise if a bf patient had a lower BMI.
  • I had my little guy just over 2 weeks ago and I have no appetite. My little guy seems to be doing just fine almost gained 2 pounds and has grown a inch. So I don't think it affects your milk supply.. But who knows I hope he's getting everything he needs.
  • hmm interesting.. glad I'm not the only one.. guess its good for losing weight :) !! hopefully I get my appetite baq soon !!!
  • @septbabie I think thats it.. I'm always concentrating on her n not much on myself.. like I can't eat till she's.asleep o something.. no rd really good but its gunn have to make due right nw
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