Sciatic Nerve :( my butt cheek is killing me !

edited September 2011 in Second Trimester
-I am just using my friends account since they wont let new people sign up, but I'm going to be 22 weeks thursday, and i need advice!

so, i just looked up why im having this severe butt/leg/back pain and pressure from the sciatic nerve is what I found. my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy because I keep telling him that my butt hurts, so I was just wondering if anyone else is having these symptons also, and what they might be doing to relieve their pain? It hurts so bad sometimes, just from walking, standing or even turning my body a certain way, and most websites I have looked at so far, didnt have much remedies for this problem....


  • I am !! Omg its horrible I haven't found anything to relieve it my Dr pretty much jus sed u have to wait it out :(
  • ugh! it is horrible! i havent mentioned it to my dr yet, but i was really hoping there would at least be something to help :(
  • I'm 33 wks I jus kinda try to move baby around cuz they sed its baby laying on it . I lay on a heating pad sumtimes n bed it doesn't do much but it feels good lol
  • ohh jeez, so im guessing this is probably going to last the rest of the pregnancy? sometimes if i dont lay on that side, its ok for awhile but as soon as i stand up, its a crazy amount of pain.
  • What has helped me is a yoga/birthing ball because you can rotate you hips.
    Also my husband will take a tennisball and use it to massage where the nerve is pinched.
    Before I was pregnant I would use the yoga ball and stretch out on it but I can't do that now lol
    Also get on your hands and knees and rock your hips foreword and back.
  • I get it even when im not preg
  • ughh, thank god im not the only one, for awhile there i was like freaking out because its mainly just in my butt and i had nooo clue what it was. im definitley going to try those tips! thanks everyone :)
  • Mine comes an goes I had it last week but been fine this week every now an then ill feel a pain mine shoots down my leg to .but good luck to I hope it goes away :)
  • thank you! same for you too!
  • When you lay down on your back try putting a pillow or two under your legs ans also try applying ice...not heat!
  • I've been having it for almost 2 weeks now. I've been in almost tears a time or two because of it. I've tried the heating pad but most the time it doesnt work
  • The pain is from ur siatic nerve but it is actually a muscle called ur periformis. It lies in the center of the butt cheek where u pants pockect would lie. I am a massage therapist and know this muscle well as I work with it alot and I am 38.5 weeks prego with scoliosis in three spots. The best way to releave the pain is actually have some one put pressure on the muscle or using a golfball against a hard surface and rolling it into the muscle. Massage is one of the best things for pregnancy and if there is a massage school near u they are alot cheaper than anywhere else plus some teachers actually will ask if u would mind being a volunteer for teaching a class where they teach pregnancy massage on u to the learning students.
  • thats really helpful, thanks @embracekittie. i havent really tried anything yet but just not laying on that side, but then as soon as i stand up it just hurts again....
    @shaila_n_newbaby , its def brought me to tears too, its just the littlest things can trigger such a crazy amount of pain, and in my ass cheek of all places :(
  • Ur welcome.. it hurts so bad cuz when the periformis swells it pushes ur siatic nerve into ur pelvic bone which is what shoots the pain into ur back and down the leg. Any little movements can aggravate the muscle, walking, bending, slouching..ect
  • does anybody know if they can prescribe you anything if you say something to your doctor? my friend who was previously pregnant said that she had it sooo bad also and they gave her tylenol with codeine to help her sleep too. it was horrible yesterday, the worst it has ever been, yet. as soon as i sat up in bed it literally knocked me back over i was in the worst pain, it had me bawling. i have an appointment on the 26th but if it keeps doing what it did last night, i think i may just go to the doctor sooner.
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