So tired of fighting!!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
All me and my bf do is fight. Im so sick of it! He seems to not care about a job, he bitches that I treat him almost as a kid with money but we dont have much. The fight now is bc he couldnt use common sence to clean up a spill. Im so sick of it. Honestly I am hating the fact im pregnant. It wasnt planned... Heck I was on the pill and now I wish we would have also used protection. I know it sounds mean... But I feel like I have not three but four kids with him. A baby added is going to make me craxy7 ahhh I cant take much more!


  • Ahh bless you, your not having an easy time r u! I always get very bad depression wen pregnant and up until recently my hubby was the same (a kid in an adults body) but he seems to of realised now, if your Feelin so stressed by it all maybe its worth talking to your doctor an take the bf with you. Make him face things 2... it took both of you to make the baby... hope your ok x
  • I havent been to a dr yet. Im 5 weeks. I just hate thatbi gave up my life moved my kids and my self from wv to new orleans for HIM and I just get yelled at! I wanba go back home but i have nothing there an no place to live there. Ugh I just wish hed grow the &$#@ up!
  • Oh no, my heart goes out to you, pregnancys hard at the best of times, without silly men. I'll be praying for you. If you need to talk/vent I'm happy to listen :)
  • I was n ur same situation with my kids dad n he still hasn't grew up no matter the sacrifices I made for him. But I moved on n I'm now married n having a baby with someone who more mature n loves me!!! Pray about it n it will get better!!!
  • You almost exactly described my whole relationship! Arghhh. Its only my first kid though.
    But all we do is fight because he wants to move out but my parents offered to let me stay here and I'd rather do that and save money.... and all he wants to do is work as a server!! I left my last bf because he was a loser like that and never cared about furthering his I'm dealing with it all over again. My bf says I don't treat him with respect when I ask him to get another job...and says I should get another job...! What! I just got a second job that doesn't know I'm pregnant but I had to sign a "work-at-will" statement saying they can terminate employment on no grounds whatsoever... basically as soon as I'm showing whoops there goes my income.

    You just aren't alone :( fml right now!!
  • He never even got a ged, he only wants to act.. But will only do extra work. He dpes a photo shoot once in a blue moon ( hes a kinnda photographer) he doesnt do anything else. But he wants me to notvwork. Child support is all we have roght noww. He doesnt get it. Hes 21 I am 24. Im in the midst of a divorce also. Ugh I dont know. And im laying on bed on here and he just texted me.. Oh dinner is done if u care. Ahhh!
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