@littlefae Thank you! I think I'm going to get hooked on knitting stuff for him. It's much more fun because they're little and I can finish them in a matter of weeks, not months.
@rissalee7 My Pushkin?! He is a very grateful dog! Lol! Seriously, who is Pushkin and how'd you pick that awesome name? Russia's most celebrated poet, you know.
@pawgio check out youtube. I crochet and that's how i learned some new stitches. its like having a someone teach you at your own pace bc you can pause and rewind as many times as you want.
@rissalee7 That's awesome! I studied at the Pushkin Institute in Moscow for a semester in college and focused part of my thesis on his work. He's really an amazing poet, brilliant. Check it out:
I absolutely love it! So far I've crocheted my bebe a blanket and now I'm working on making a cocoon with a matching beenie! I was thinking about making a cardigan but it looks difficult! How long has it taken you so far? @blueberrysmom
And @pawgio youtube is my best friend for learning new things!
@pawgio check out youtube. I crochet and that's how i learned some new stitches. its like having a someone teach you at your own pace bc you can pause and rewind as many times as you want.
(so I guess my dog isn't getting a blanket...)
They have great tutorials, excellent prices, and fantastic customer service! Message me if you need help. I can give you my number, too.
And @pawgio youtube is my best friend for learning new things!
I'm stealing this idea and knitting my own for Bunny
I can't read patterns so I have to make it up as I go along
@2girls_1boy That's funny. I knit everything on circular needles!