Can I refuse induction?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
My docs automatically induce at 41 wks. I always thought 42 wks was safe. If baby is doing fine can I respectfully decline to be induced? And what would the docs do? Can they "release" me from their practice for that so late? I'm 40 wks tomorrow & hopefully it won't come to that, they are very nice & I really like them.



  • If they want to induce you i wouldn't refuse it the doctor is doing it for a reason you don't want your baby to use the bathroom because then they could get really sick.
  • From what I understand doctors like to induce then because the risk of stillborn birth increases. Someone please correct me if that's wrong.
    You can definitely refuse anything. I'd say get a second opinion if you're worried. As for them releasing you from their care, I'm not sure.
  • You can refuse it but they can also drop you as a patient. It all depends on the practice. They usually do it for the safety of the baby but if you feel strongly to wait, discuss it and see what your options are such as biophysical profiles and 2+ non stress tests weekly.
  • a full term pregnancy is from 37 to 42 weeks. It should not be dangerous to go to 42 weeks. But talk to your doctor and see what they think.
  • edited September 2011
    I have my 40 wk appt & NST tomorrow so I'll discuss it with them & see. Hopefully I'll go into labor on my own, but I'm a little nervous about it. I've been induced twice before & I hate it compared to natural birth. Thanks. :)
  • Yes, you can decline it's your body your baby. And as long as baby is staying healthy and not showing any signs of distress there is no reason for you to be induced before 42 weeks.
    And if they drop you just because of that, it shows what kind of Dr's they really are in my opinion.
    My Dr wont discuss induction with my until I am in my 42nd week unless my baby is showing signs of distress before then. Other wise, induction wont be mentioned at all.
  • @LittleFae
    How do I know baby is fine? from the NST's?
  • @Wilsomom - from the scan, also from your weekly visits if the heart rate is good and fluctuating right. They will also check out the placenta and make sure that it isn't... "aging" I think is the word, as long as it hasn't started to calcify.
    Also, I would ignore any comments a Dr might make about the size of your baby. Scans are often times wrong by a few pounds in either direction. And the further along you are the more inaccurate their guess of the size of your baby.
    I haven't and wont be getting any growth scans. I wont be receiving any scans unless the heart beat causes concern or I hit 42 weeks and they need to check my placenta.

    Other wise, I'm just letting nature take it's course and wont stress or worry about those things unless something points that we need too
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  • @LittleFae & @homebirthadvocate
    Thanks, that makes alot of sense.
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