my baby

edited September 2011 in Parenting
my baby is 2 weeks old. she sleeps in a bassinet next to my bed. its the rock n play sleeper. so shes really close to me.
she was fine sleeping in it. then recently ever time i would lay her down to sleep (she was already asleep first) she would wake up. so i put her next to me in bed give her a binki rock her to sleep in bed. now she will not sleep in her bassinet for longer then 20 mins. once she slightly wakes up she starts screaming. but if shes in my bed with me, she sleeps threw the night. im not a heavy sleeper & when shes in bed with me i sleep really light. i dont put her between me & my fiance cuz hes a really heavy sleeper & i dont want him rolling over on her. what do i do? is this a big problem if she sleeps next to me? im scared tho that maybe one time she would end up getting smothered. what do i do??? :(
i love sleeping next to her, & she loves sleeping next to me obviously. but if i ended up smotherng her. i would shoot myself. JUST SAYING THAT I WOULD BE DEVISTATED!


  • My son wouldn't sleep in his bassinet and cosleeping he would have been crushed *my husband has almost smothered me an infant wouldn't have a chance* so he ended up in his bouncy chair with the vibrater on till he was 6(?)w old and sleeping through the night in his crib
  • Does sh do this every night or just recently
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  • My daughter is almost 6 wks and I let her sleep with me sometimes. It's usually when I'm super exhausted and afraid she's gonna wake up if I move her lol. On a side note, be careful with letting her sleep in the rock n play sleeper. I got one for my daughter to sleep in, but I recently read some reviews on amazon that it can cause a lot of neck, shoulder and head problems because its on an incline and they can get slumped over against the corner. I bought a graco pack n play with a newborn napper and now she sleeps in that. I keep the sleeper just for naps or if I need her in another room.
  • my daughter has a similar problem but with her bouncy chair. ( our basinette is at her gpas) for some reason she doesnt like to sleep inclined like that. and she only sleeps on her side. i to have had her in bed with me until we get the basinette back because she absolutely will not sleep in the bouncer. she fusses as soon as she gets set in it. and im one to let her cry herself to sleep but she will go on and on and on until she makes herself sick. and if she does sleep in it its only for about 10 mins before she throws a fit. i honestly dont think it will cause problems in the future. my daughter still sleeps in the crib or on the couch fine without us. but it may just be our luck. (btw she will be 3 weeks on friday)
  • They make things you can put in the bed with you. Like a little square to prevent you from rolling onto her. I wouldnt risk sleeping with her without some sory of barrier though. I know it would be fine, but the "what ifs" are always too terrifying.
  • @beaded_bunny yea im scared shes gunna get smothered....but thats why shes on my side of the bed. my fiance is a real heavy sleeper.

    @minirip yea she just started doing this like a week ago. for the first week of her life she was a great sleeper. now she wakes up once i put her down by herself. unless shes next to me. then shes fine.

    @ashleyfew when you would breastfeed then fall asleep were you laying down? & your baby & you were facing each other on your sides? cuz thats how this started. i would breast feed her late at night like that cuz i was exhausted i would fall asleep then when i would wake up hours later we bother were asleep like that

    @starrxoxo9 i have a pack n play set up in my room close to my bed i use cuz it has a changing table. so ill start using that & see how she likes that. thank you.

    @jazzi89 my baby also likes to sleep on her side. i feel like im spoiling her cuz shes always by my side. im always holding her or laying with her. i just dont want it to start a separation anxiety thing with her.

    @usawife_21 yea the what ifs scare me to death. i wake up so many times checking her making sure shes breathing & that im not squishing her. ive seen the sleepers your talking about. but i dont know if she would like it cuz it keeps the baby separated and i think she just likes sleeping right up next to me.
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  • Just from first who os now 10 I breast fed and once she woke up that first time I would put my breast in her mouth and go back to sleep eventually. My only regret was trying to break her from sleeping with took me FOREVER to break her from wanting to sleep with us. So with the second we didn't even start that habit.....
    If she doesn't like the bassinet to sleep on try some of her other items, like a swing or bouncy....good luck
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