Wait, who got banned?



  • @Babynewyear2012 the point is we have sat here and listened to her complain about her whole pregnancy and even to go as far as to say she wish her own pregnancy would just hurry up and END already. So who the heck is she to tell people to stfu i mean what she is going through is bad but she has no idea what everyone else is going thru either im sorry she isn't expierencing the same kinda pain we all are but no matter what the pain is we have the same right to vent about it as she does!!! I'm so tired of her thinking she is more important than anyone else on this forum.
  • @babynewyear2012 no it was not meant for that she clearly stated that she was sick of hearing us complain bout our symptoms. if it was bout feeling sorry cuz of thr things her and others went through why did she make a post bout causing harm to cadence. I for one had two mc so I know pain I also lost a child street raising him so please dont tell me the difference between grieving and insulting. I also would never use my pain to bash other women that is pregnant because I lost mine. for one you come to a place where you know pregnant girls are at to say that thats the purpose of a get help programs. we are supposed to discuss symptoms thats the purpose of this forum she can talk bout her loss but we can't talk bout our symptoms. Where they do that at?
  • @2ndbutfirst if you dont like dont read that simple JEEZ :)
  • I'm just tired of the sweeping under the rug and not saying this abnd that ohhhhh because they like whoever and don't want whoever mad at them. if they jump off a bridge would you do it to
  • @kris100717 I can not answer for what she has said or done in the past so I will not even try. I know that she started the post after I said to her it hurts me to see people say they are tired of being pregnant....it really does hurt to see that when I cry and want my baby everyday that I cant have. I would never ever say I was over being pregnant. That is the only point I was trying to get at. It is such a wonderfull cherished time for some that ends way to soon. So sorry honestly to anybody that may have gotten their feelings hurt....mine did also by the post I was refering to but I was never ugly. I just ask that momma to love her baby and thank god daily that she is still pregnant.
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  • @havingnumber4 I would never ever try to tell you the difference considering I dont know you. I was simply stating the way I felt. The other comment about somebody being mad at them..was that meant for me since I ask @mandac10 if she was upset with me?
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