Needing advice/info on being induced*Please*

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I'm being induced on Tuesday the 20th. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30am. Anyways, I'm just wondering what to expect and some advice. I am a ftm & I'll be 39.2 weeks when induced.


  • @jtmoon98 Thank you so much for replying! && for all the information! I am very nervous, anxious and scared about labor. I just want things to go smoothly so I dont end up having a c-section. I will definitely try my best not to go in with fear. I;m just going to say a prayer the night before and leave it in Gods hands. I wasnt dilated at all as of this Tuesday so im hoping that by the time Tuesday morning comes I will have dilated at least a fingertip and i'll be happy.
  • Ask lots of questions!! I felt so much more relaxed knowing exactly what was going on with me, and why. Relaxing is key!
  • @jtmoon98 awee we will get to both celebrate it! That's exciting! But thank you very much I will try my best to relax and the ultrasound picture is a good idea :)
    @natashalynn that Is my goal I feel like if I know more then ill feel better. And to make things even better my Dr is a family friend and so is one of my nurses so I'm definitely excited!
  • Oh good! I'm in Canada so things may be a bit different bit I only saw a doctor for maybe ten minutes so its allllll about the nurses and mine were incredible. I went through 3 shifts of nurses and they were all wonderful!!
  • also. bring music. I sang along and it was a great distraction!!
  • @mommajtall I agree with @jtmoon98...ask for pain meds or an epidural before it becomes unbearable. I was induced on the 6th and the dr wouldn't let me have my epidural til I hit 4cm even though I was in excruciating pain. Stadol just made me feel loopy and didn't really help. Once I hit 4cm I got that epi and went from 4-9 in an hour and delivered my son 3 hrs later. I had to wait for the pressure to start pushing which felt exactly like I had to poop. Total labor time going by dr was 4hrs (they measure labor starting at active labor, or 4cm). Measuring by when I started feeling pain, 7hrs 45mins. I only pushed for 45 mins...listen to your nurse on how to push it really helped me since I'd not done it before. Another piece of advice...BREATHE. It was hard for me to concentrate even at 4cm bc the contractions came one on top of the other and I had barely any time to regroup before the next one came. Oh, and the epidural did not hurt at all. It hurt worse for me to get in position than it did for the dr to insert the first needle. I had IMMEDIATE relief when he put in the test dose of the medicine. It was heavenly. (But not nearly as heavenly as when I got to see my son :X)
  • :X that's what was supposed to show up haha
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