anything for back pain?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
This ache is definitely pregnant related and I feel like a ftm because I've never experienced this with my other two. I guess I'm wondering other than drinking water and laying down, is there anything that can be done? Especially if drinking and laying isn't making it fully go away?
I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow.


  • You can take some tylenol.
  • do you have an exercise ball that helps my back pain.
  • I'm 33 weeks too and have a constant backache I use those heat wraps u can buy at the store. And also sleep on my side with a pillow under my back. I have my other kids rub it and my Hubby when he's in a good mood. Even all those things together most of the time doesn't help.
  • @misty2011 @pinkigirl @kaliasmomma05 thank you. I feel better knowing its a minor thing. We'll see if anyone feels like rubbing my back lol
  • I have horrible back pain this pregnancy and I started seeing a physical therapist. She wants me to ice is 3 times a day and gave me several exercises to do on top of a preggo support belt. If you want the exercises let me know so I can go to my comp to type them out...
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