what do i do????

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I don't know what to do. I hate shots and the fact that the depo makes me insane I can't do that. I barely took any of my prenatals so I know I can't do the pill. I don't want he risks of inserting anything in me. But I'm REALLY scared of getting pregnant again so soon. I just had my son August 21. And Daddy is trying to jump my bones every chance he gets.


  • Condoms suck lol I dont even like them anymore! I believe once you use them, its impossible to go back. I used the pull out method, but I do not reccommend it. Its risky. I know some people rely on ovulation calenders and pull out method. You need something because youre highly fertile!
  • Implanon (sp?) I'm like you I hate shots and suck at taking pills and scared of mirena bc of the reviews. My dr and I discussed the implanon and she said she had never had a patient have a problem with it
  • I wear my man acts like he's allergic to condoms lol @garagebandfan @usafwife_21 lol right I feel like I need to just put a lock on my vajayjay.
    @texasbeauty2787 I'll look that up. Never heard of it.
  • my sister used implanon and bled for like 4 months and got it removed! Its this thing they put in your arm and you dont mess with it for five years. Its completely painless according to my sister! :) Its definitely an option Id look into if I were you
  • @usafwife_21 I don't want to bleed for a long time I can barely stand the 3 day periods I have. Did they give her a reason to as y she bled for so long?
  • I don't want to bleed for that long either! Geez! And how do they put it in your arm? @texasbeauty2787 @usafwife_21
  • Some people react to different birth controls differently. Some people bleed on depo and pills, but implanon works great with them! Then, some people bleed on implanon but depo works great! It just depends on your body. But, my sis said its all painless. So if they put it in and you have a period for long, you can take it out, no harm done :)
  • Uhm I'm not sure. I think my sister said a shot? Idk lol all I know is she said it didnt hurt! I wish I could help more, I just have word of mouth lol
  • Oh okay I'm going to look it up and talk to my Dr about it. @usafwife_21
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