breastfeeding vs formula

My husband is a healthnut and is very very for me breastfeeding, but I've never seen myself as the type. How do I explain to him that formula can be just as good as breastmilk?


  • Im not sure how you would go about that but ultimately its up to you and how comfortable you are with breast feeding if you are not comfortable then I would just tell him that and he needs to understand that you have to do this not him.
  • Let him know if it wasn't good enough for a baby it wouldn't exist in the first place. Also, breastfeeding can be an extremely difficult process for some women and the only way I would consider it is if I pumped & gave the baby a bottle so we both were responsible for getting up with the baby because it's not fair for the mom to be exhausted all the time due to breastfeeding.
  • Pump and feed is a good compromise. But if you are that uncomfortable with it, just tell him how you feel. I didn't breastfeed my first, but nursed my daughter for a year, and plan to nurse the next one too. But i will be pumping and bottlefeeding this one, so dad can assume some responsibility and i can go back to work.
  • I am nursing and pumping too. I am making him get up on Friday and Saturday nights to feed the baby. Those are the only two nights that he doesn't have be up early the next morning.
  • The "breast" choice is whatever you are most comfortable with.
  • Well in my case most of the breastfeeding facts were false! Maybe u could find more statistics like mine I can't be the only one.
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  • I plan on pumping as often as poss. And when i go back to work i will alternate between breast milk and formula
  • My baby girl was not healthier. Has behavior problems. Weight problems being over weight. And I never lost weight breastfeeding. I breastfed her for 8 months. On the positive I did enjoy the bonding. That was the only plus for me. I also hated breast pumps couldn't get one to work! Gave up and wanted to go back to work. I will breastfeed this one for bonding but only till I go back to work.
  • My son formula fed healthy smart and no problems!
  • My 8 year old daughter was formula fed and makes straight A's in school. I don't understand why people say breastfeeding makes your kid smarter than formula fed babies.
  • Smarter and healthier! Not true for all.
  • edited April 2011
    Iam unable to breastfeed. I tried for 3 weeks and my milk never came in even with the pills they give you to help it come in. My daughter got extremely weak and lost tons of weight from lack of nutrition so I had to switch to formula. She is now 15 months old, never has once been sick, never had an ear infection, she is very smart for her age, off the charts in height, and perfect in weight! My cousin had her baby girl exactly 1 week after I had my daughter, she breastfed for 8 months. Her daughter is developmentally slow in learning things, overweight, has had strep throat twice, just got over bronchitis, has had about 3 ear infections, so the breastmilk is ALWAYS better is NOT ALWAYS true. If you are uncomfortable with it, don't do it. Its YOUR choice, no one else's. :)
  • I can tell you from personal experience that if you are uncomfortable and pressured into breastfeeding, its going to be a miserable experience. I was so stressed about the whole thing that it actually interfered with bonding with my daughter. We switched to bottles and formula and I have no regrets. My daughter is 5, she's never sick, she's not overweight, and we are always getting comments on how smart she is and how well she talks. I think people tend to get caught up in all of the propaganda for breastfeeding and forget that most of us were formula fed and perfectly fine.
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