
edited September 2011 in Labor
i really want to know how contractions feel like or how they work!!
i think im having them but im not sure how they feel?
im feeling achy down/crampy but not sharp ones they just feel uncomfortable
at one point they were lasting 30-35 seconds and are 5 mins apart
and no its been more farther apart i havent timed them yet but im about too any
suggestions thoughts answers!!


  • I've hears baxk to front tightening... starts at lower back and moves forward and stomach tightens...
  • They're super tight and stay hold for a little while. Almost makes you feel as if your ribs are stiff. You'll have no doubt when you get them. (:
  • Sounds like early labor to me.:) but you can be having what you're feeling for a few days to a week or more. Labor dust!!!
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