so ive heard

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
You can get an infection if your partner has sex with someone else not like a std lol I know that. But an infection like bv and stuff like that. Is that true?


  • @bentleysmommy really? :( ugh great....ya cuz I have gotten bv before in the past but I noticed it was only if I had sex with a new person and not every time just the odd guy but I haven't had an infection at all this whole pregnancy except a mild yeast infection in the first trimester but I feel like I'm starting to develop bv and I haven't switched I mean is it common to be from sex or?
  • I know some ladies on here got it from their cheating partner but no it doesn;t necessarily have to come from sex.
  • @bentleysmommy it just scares me cuz I don't think he'd ever cheat on me but he's been diff during sex too like new tricks and stuff so to speak that he's never done before and idk for the longest time he like wouldn't have sex with me and now that's like all he wants so idk what to think
  • What are the other causes?
  • I have no idea what the other causes are :( :/ I hope he didn't cheat though!
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