Signs of labour

edited September 2011 in Labor
I started having contractions Sunday, pretty much all in my back but spreading round like period pains. They lasted a couple of hours (every 5-10 mins) then stopped, then another half hour or so later on that day. Since then I have had on off back ache and period pain like pains. Last night I weed, and had a pink tinge on the tissue, happened again this morning. I spoke to the midwife, she has said to take it easy for now and ring back of I get any pink stuff in knickers and for the obvious, no baby movements, blood etc. I have read it can be all signs of cervical changes, just wondered if anyone else had any of this and what happened!


  • BTW its my second (had none of this with first) and I'm 33+5
  • I haven't had the spotting but it sounds logical that it's okay. I am having the same thing with the contractions however. Its annoying because are time able for most of the day and painful yet go away just to come back. I too have had them since about Tuesday. They are also sooo different from Braxton Hicks.
  • I'll be 38 weeks on Saturday.
  • I had that about 36 weeks i think, can no longer remember any thing lol, wasn't much pink and also on Sunday when i was havinp the back pain had few more pink streaks/dots still pregnant though lol
  • Yeah I haven't had a braxton hicks in a while but that was a different feeling and didn't bother my back at all! I'm not too concerned, obviously this is all normal and will only get worse! Just thought I would touch base with the midwife, especially as we spending tonight and tomorrow out away from home and see what other peoples experiences were. I had to be induced with my first as my waters went but labour didn't start, then after 36 hours of labour I was only a fingertip dilated and had a c-section. Quite excited if I am starting to soften/dilate as I might get the vbac I want!
  • Ah man thought you might be in hospital by now @SamiUK This can apparently continue for weeks, just pleased my body may be getting more prepared this time!
  • hopefully you get your birth now! *fingers crossed* for you although baby has to stay put for a few more weeks! lol

    ha hospital i wish! he like's playing with me and he just made me drop my big mac all over my bump lol!
  • Ha ha aah bless! You wait till you see his little face!
    I hope so, 6 weeks 2 days and counting!
  • edited September 2011
    I had no labor signs. My water broke and apparently I was dilated at 2cm and didn't know it.
  • That was the same with me with my first @xFirstTimeMomx but no dilating! This pregnancy has been completely different in so many ways!
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