Been Away, Now Need Advice - My Third Baby?

Hello everyone, so I haven't been on since I had my darling daughter 5 months ago. Everything has been going well and my 4 year old son has started school so we are just working with that - plus a house move!
So, recently, about a month ago, I got the contraceptive implant so I could plan the next three years without worrying about another baby - but I've had a lot of problems with it and am considering getting it removed and returning to using The Pill. However, when I've been talking to my partner about removing the implant, he has started talking about how he would love another baby and in hind sight, I wouldn't mind having another baby in the near future.
But I am just unsure whether it would be selfish of me to want another baby when my daughter is still so young - even though she'd be at least a year and a half before the third child arrived.

We are settled well in our new house and can afford to have another baby. Our relationship is still on steady ground. I'm just wondering if it is a wise choice? I'm worried my partner only wants another baby because of how wonderful our daughter has been - every baby is different! He's trying so hard to show how committed he would be, but I'm still not sure? Could just really do with your views!


  • If you both are game then its always going to be your choice.
    When my son was born Irish twins sounded like the way to go *and I still kinda wish i had gone for it* dispite how hard it would have been on my body. Now I'm pregnant with a 2y/o *he was 18esh months when I got pregnant this time* and my body is fineesh but the toddler isn't taking to sharing me well at all and I haven't even had birth yet. Personally I wish I had either gotten with baby way to quick or waited a few more years so I could have more one on one with the boy.
    Oh well hope atleast some of this makes sense
  • I totally get what you mean, you either want them old enough that they're not demanding all of your time and can understand what a new baby means or young enough that it'll just seem the norm for there to be another baby around! Thanks for your view.
  • I had the implanon and hated it as well. Only used it for a year and half, had it removed got prego about seven months later. This time I justed tied my tubes.
  • Think about teething with terrible twos all the diapers and is your car big enough? If you are comfortable with it then go for it :)
  • My doc told be it takes 2 years for our bodies to heal and be back to normal after giving birth
  • I know, I was just thinking that my son is 4 years old and is still difficult. Most people I have spoken to, including medical staff said a good age gap is 18 months between children, and it also depends on how your labours and pregnancies were. Both mine were straight forward and quick with no issues afterwards for me. :/ so not sure.
  • @SheridanLM1991 what problems did u have with the implanon? I was thinking about getting it but scared to..
  • @gsmommy I haven't had it taken out yet but it is causing me terrible mood swings, bad period pain and very random bleeding, I was pretty much having to wear panty liners for 3 weeks because it would stop and just suddenly start again.

    So I am going to get it removed but this doesn't happen to all women, just some, most woman have no or very light bleeding and hardly any period pain just unfortunately I'm not one of them.
  • edited September 2011
    Here is my opinion; My older kids are 14 months apart then 32 months apart. The best thing I ever did was have the first 2 close together. They are and have always been really close and attached. They are now i 7th and 8th grade. Its not easy, especially atfirst, but its the neeatest experience. Giving your body more than 6 mths between pregnancies, however, is a valid concern, my toughest pregnancy and birth was the second one! I got pregnant w/ my 3rd just shy our "middle's" second bday-the pregnancy was easy BUT they have the worst sibling rivalry (even now at nearly 10 and 12). But then they are both boys, so sometimes I think its more that than age. Anyway, thats what I tell people who ask me about age difference :). This baby (I'm 38 wks right now) is going to be nearly 10 yrs younger than my last-a whole new dynamic in the family :) ! Good luck-whatever your decision.
  • do what you want.. but if your a lil hesitant it doesnt hurt to wate.. i have an 18mnth old and am due in the next couple of wks i already know its gonna be a tough one.. cause my lil guy is so needy and .. well i dont like having to watch him grow up so fast so i can make room for the new baby.. thats my struggle.. but you may not be that way at all.. thats just me.. not to mention i feel kinda guilty.. on the flip side.. they will be close in age.. go to school together.. go through life changes together..and if this is your last one.. like mine than.. you can plan the rest of your life.. i myself have put off going back to school for the last 18months but i plan on going back in the spring.. i only need a few classes to wrap it up.. so ya .. theres neg.. and positives.. what ever you decide.. will be a good decision im sure.. good luck..
  • My boys are close together....they were born 10-25-2007...11-12-2009...11-29-2010...and due 11-6-2011 with #4..its easier having them like that :)
  • I love having my kids close my first two boys are 14 months apart and now i am pregnant with my little girl that will be here oct 3rd and she will be 18 months apart from my youngest son, i will have 3 kids under the age of 2. I think if you both are game for another baby you guys should go for it. Hope all goes well.
  • I just had a baby 4 months ago and now i'm pregnant again. Im still a little torn on whether im truly happy, scared or both. It took us almost a yr to conceive our daughter so I see it as almost a sign this baby was meant to be. I ready would have wanted to wait though. Even though we have the finances I don't know if im really READY for this child. I could never get rid of this baby though! I go for an ultrasound Thursday so maybe that will clear my feelings. My brother and I are a yr and 1 wk apart and we were the closest and still are. But like someone said above if you're hesitant than you need to think things through. Good luck!
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