meds for post partum depression

How long does it take to work? I'm taking zoloft


  • My Dr told me any depression meds can take a while. It can take a few days to a few weeks. She mostly talked to me about Zoloft if I need it later.
  • Hope it works for you! :)
  • About 15 days to fully get in your system and start working. Hang in there momma. Did your doc give you anything you can take while that sets xanax?
  • I was prescribed Zoloft also. I only took it for three days. Before I took it, I looked it up & people said it made them feel drowsy and such. So I took it at 8pm semi around the time I could go to sleep with the baby. But the third day, I couldn't go to sleep cause we did laundry. But it made me feel like I had anxiety, made me cry and shakey. So I looked it up some more & it can make people feel blah. I stopped taking it.

    I only took it 3 days, so I didn't advise my dr that I was stopping. But if you take it longer and want to stop, please advise your dr first. Its not a medicine you should stop cold turkey. If it makes you feel icky, ask your dr about other medicines.

    Good luck, things will be ok :)
  • Like I had anxiety, depression before pregnancy too @carolina8_p @Mrs4c @new_baby_in_oct
  • Zolofts full effect takes 3 weeks.. u can't drink on it counter acts the affect. Take at bedtime.. does work well if taken right! I stopped my zoloft ... suppresses sex drive and hunger ... took zoloft for yrs... it's not an over-night drug.
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