I Was Induced On Sunday. I Arrived Sunday Morninq & They Inserted Cervadil, Couldnt Walk For The First 2 Hours & Then i Was Able To. I Wasnt Dilatinq Much So At Midniqht He Started Pitocin, Still Wasnt Dilatinq Like He Wanted Me To So He Broke My Water At 8:30 Am. I Started Feelinq My Contractions & So I Got The Epidural. At 4 i Was Feelinq Them In My Back & i Had To Have A Different Medicine. He Came To Check My Cervix & i Was Barely A 4 & My Babys Head Was Swollen. He Went Ahead & Said CSection. My Son Arrived At 6:24 Pm.
*** I Hope Wen They Induce Yu, Yu Dilate & Is Able To Have Him/Her Cuz A CSection Hurts So Bad !***
@gunners_mommy Im sorry I couldn't imagine going over my due date. Mine isn't even here for another week and a day but I'm losing my mind. Anywho best of luck during your induction. We'll have to keep each other updated. BTW what time do you have to be at the hospital?
I was due on the 11th ov septemba n still pregnant wiv my 1st bby I get a stretch n sweep on the 19th but dnt know what thats like at all can someone tell me plz if I dnt go into labour by friday I get induce then on the 23rd but hoping my bby comes soon x
*** I Hope Wen They Induce Yu, Yu Dilate & Is Able To Have Him/Her Cuz A CSection Hurts So Bad !***
@mommajtall I'm a ftm too... when was your due date? Why did they decide to induce?
@kayace24 oh my your docter is letting you go way past! Poor thing!! Ill tag u when I get induced if you would like?