Now the ?is hw do I make my milk.dry up??

edited September 2011 in First time moms
just over it !!! its annoying, time consuming, gross, smells, leaves me drenched @ night n during the day I can't make ne milk !!! can't keep up with my daughters 4oz eatings wen I'm barely making 2oz each time I pump !! sucks cuz I feel like a bad mom n quitting @ barely 3weeks but I see nothing wrong with formula n I know my bby gun b healthy either way !! anyone else feel this way?? blahhh


  • You can try fenugreek. Its a organic suppliment that helps bring in milk, and it makes your sweat smell like maple syrup lol (well if you want to continue) if not then switch. Lol either way baby will be fine(:
  • At least you tried hun. Its ok if you don't want to continue
  • Three weeks is better than no weeks, do what's right for you.
  • I've gotten to that point as well, actually I'm shocked I made it 4 months. I've started giving her a few bottles of formula a day.
  • You could also.try.jusy bf in morning and bedtime its
  • I gave up after 4 weeks but it took a week to switch her over, so 5 weeks. I felt the same way u do and plus it hurt her tummy. she was super gas and didnt sleep well.
  • I gave in to full formula shortly before she turned 3 weeks... About 4 days ago.
  • I do I have been taking fenugreek for a month now pumping every 3 hours and. Taking reglan and only pump half an ounce every time I pump I wanna give up so bad!
  • I feel the same way too, my daughter is two and a half weeks old and I'm so close to throwing in the towel!
  • glad I'm not the only one!! thanks everyone!!
  • Honestly formula is just as good! I didn't pump long with this baby. You did it for the most crucial time so don't worry your baby will be healthy no matter what! Breast feeding is over rated. Formula is way better than it used to be plus you know for a fact your baby is getting proper nutrition! Some people don't produce good milk or have enough vitamins that's why once the baby hits a certain age they have to get supplements added to breast milk. Breast feeding isn't for everyone and don't let people make u feel bad for formula.
  • @proudmomma thank u so much!! I agree one hundred percent !!
  • People piss me off that try to force people to bf. Wic even told me that formula is just as good. So pop open the formula and feed :)
  • Breastfeeding isnt for everyone. But I love breastfeed even though the first month was a pain. Ill be going on 3 months on the 25th!!
  • @proudmomma yayy :) && thank god for wic!!
  • @proudmommy8789 good for u :) !! y was the first such a pain for u?? what made it better??
  • Just wanted to throw this out there..the pump doesn't work for everyone. I can't pump hardly anything but he gets more when he nurses. They weighed him..then had me feed him..then weighed him again..find he could get more off of me nursing but the pump doesn't stimulate me enough. Idk why that is but thought I'd share if you were afraid baby wasn't getting enough based off what you pump. however if its not for you then switch to formula. You tried at least and baby will be fine either way :-)
  • Her mouth has just so little. The thought of feed her had me crying! Now I just lay on the sofa or my bed and nurse her and no pain at all
  • How much you pump doesn't tell you how much you produce. Your baby always gets more when they latch on.
    but if you are sure, there is a tea called no more milk in the earth mama angel babys website.
  • I bf for only a week and threw in the towel. I got a lot of slack from my hubby and MIL but it was a personal decision. She wouldn't latch so I was trying to exclusively pump which took too much time and effort. I was sad because she wasn't able to get my milk for long and I spent $300 on a pump. Formula is just as good and has all the nutrients needed.
  • Oh and I used cabbage leaves and cold compresses. I pumped just a little while I was engorged. It's been a week and a box and I still leak a tiny tiny bit but no engorgement.
  • Second the cabbage leaves and my milk wasn't good enough now I have a happy healthy formula fed baby instead of a unhappy constantly feeding and dropping weight and going jaundice baby.
  • I gave in and formula fed after about 2 weeks! My boobs were bloody and gross and I would cry everytimr that girl fed! Pumping wasn't enough so I gave in and got her on formula and she is a healthy happy 19week old now!
  • Compression could cause a clogged milk duct! Ouch! To dry up cabbage and do not stimulate ur nipples! Not even warm water!
  • Donn stimulate your nipples. It took me.about a month or so afterwards to completely dry up. Don't feel bad. I only did the first month. Some is better than nothing! You gave her a great start!
  • If you want to stop no one can judge you! You did your best and even one day of breastfeeding is more than a lot do and there is nothing wrong with choosing formula.
    to dry up don't stimulate your nipples, even when you are engoraged. When you become encouraged place a warm wash cloth over your breast and that will help. Stop taking fenegreek, a friend of mine put a garlic clove on her nipples and said she dried up in less then a week..but I've never heard of that befog haha
  • Tight bra...I wore 2 prepregnancy sports bras! No stimulation...if u get shower dint even let the warm water directly on them or u will have a let down. Put cabbage leaves in help s packs n I took ibuprofen. It took 4ibuprofen days of pain but got much better
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