All that hard work finally paid off!

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
So most of you may know about my pregnancy journey, but just a quick recap. My due date was set for september 22, I have had a pretty extensive battle to make sure I didn't develop pre-eclampsia, and I have been sure that my due date was off.

Well I had a scheduled induction on september 15th, when I got to the hospital I was already dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. My doctor came in checked me and told me I could have my epidural. I got my epidural at 9:15 am. From 11 to 12 I went from being dilated to a 4 to an 8. My doctor told me I still had a ways to go at about 1, because my cervix was still blocking the babies head. Right after she left my contractions really kicked in and my epidural stopped working. I started feeling my body push the baby out on its own and I told the nurse, she told me I still had cervix and it wasnt time. All I could remember is telling her that if she didn't get the doctor my baby would hit the floor. The nurse decided to let me try and push through the remaining cervix, two pushes later the babys head started to crown. Only 4 more pushes and she was born at 2:21 pm. She was 8lbs 13 oz, 21 inches long, and was already a full term baby. We are both doing great and get to go home today,i will post pics when I get home.

Update: we are home and doing rather well, no snags yet!


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