so who out of my peoples is left anymore?

edited September 2011 in About App & Forum
Im only curious because I have been gone for about.... almost two months.


  • Lol I haven't been on all that much and have no clue what's been going in but I'm here... ttc-er! Haha
  • Yea! How are you doing? How is the concieving going? @mrsrocketfield1221
  • Im here still but we really haven't met I don't think. I try to stay free and clear if drama but comment when I can help.
  • Awful. Lol my husband got a new job so he was gone last month for ovulation (Building in north Dakota) -gone for 7 wks so i guess we'll see for this month. If things stay good we'll be visiting my hometown when I am but who knows! So between that and being sick for a dang month lifes been rough!! How r u?!?!
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