a lot is happening I hope today is the day (im 39w3d)

edited September 2011 in September 2011
So ive been losing my mucus plug in pieces the past 3 weeks .. and yest i had a doc appt at 230pm and doc said i was still 1cm so no change so she swept my membranes to help me out i bleed for an hour after but then i went away completely then at 820pm till about 11pm i lost the rest of my mucus plug except this time it was brown with a lil bit of red tint to it. My body was sore all night this morning i was having painful contractions but still bareable and i walked and walked up and down the stairs etc and the contractions lasted for about an hour and a half.. now they have gone away but the pressure is still there and getting BH... so i hope this could be the day .. need the contractions to comeback send me Labor Dust ladies.


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