Some insight behind the recent "Pregly Attacks"...

edited September 2011 in About App & Forum
If ANYBODY asks you for your account information, DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TRUST THEM!!! There is a group of ex-Preglies who have a.Facebook group who are using this method to "hijack" other peoples accounts to come here and post the same bashing over and over again. They literally sit and plot these attacks all day long, its quite pathetic.

How do I know this? Unfortunately, I was added to this group when the first attacks happened. At first, I found it amusing and funny that I knew what was coming, but now it is getting old and boring, and offensive. Eventually, the group ousted me because they thought I was a "snitch" because I simply had a short coversation with Amber a.k.a. USMC, and because I wasn't in their group to "bash" on her. I figured since I was labeled a "snitch", I might as well live up to the name. And be weary of the "Pregly for Adults" group, they are allowing the "terrorists" to be part of the "adult" group, even though the whole idea was to create the group to keep the drama away.

Let me say that I'm not completely innocent in this matter, and never have I claimed my innocence. I just feel bad that this has been turned into a complete bash fest, and the terrorists are trying to "prove a point" all because they feel like its unfair that Amber is still around and hasn't been banned. It's kind of sad that all of this is happening because of one person. To have that much hate in your heart for someone that you base your entire day around her and the hate , especially when you have infants to tend to, is unhealthy, pathetic and quite sad.

So there you have it, ladies and gentleman. Should you have any questions, please ask. Oh, and to you pathetic "ladies" that have nothing better to do, grow up and get a life. Nobody finds this appaling or surprising anymore. P.s. the "snitch" that youre looking for is STILL an insider. Just shows how freaking dumb you really are. So come at me and bash on me, tell me all the insults I've already heard in a lifetime. Hell, ill even save you the time...I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm a bad mom, I'm a slit with two babies dadies, I'm worthless, I'm a unworthy snitch, I'm blah blah blah... Your words are useless and a waste of time.


  • P.s. this isn't made to start drama, just to let you women know what's REALLY going on.
  • Im sorry, but I lold when I read this..... they sit and plot all day??? That sounds like a bad horror movie. Pregly terrorist hijacking accounts. I can see it.. a bunch of moms sitting in a dark room with a couple hanging lights, papers out, maps of the pregly infrastructure and mainframe. Drinking there drinks and laughing like ac*phlem*med
  • Not trying to dis what you had said, I was just sharing the mental picture I had
  • Oh happy times
  • Uh amber isn't in the fb group!
  • Lmao, no offense taken. They sat for like 6 hours and planned the first attack on here, no lie. It all was started by America richjen gal, then some of the other doofuses followed. I was friends with one of the creators of the groups on FB and she added me to the group when it was created and first it was Pregly vents, then it turned into plotting on how to call people out.
  • @caiti5 I know she isn't, the group was originally created as to bitches about how unfair it is that she was still on Pregly and not banned. This was Thursday when it all started.
  • *ass to bitch
  • Actually, it was Wednesday when it started, apologies for the confusion.
  • edited September 2011
    nobody is hijacking anybodies account people are freely giving their information, and ppl are more so mad at the fact that the mods are playing favorites dont bash anyone sweet heart and speak for yourself.
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  • Oh, and the insider is planning another attack ESPECIALLY for me lol. I feel looooved!!
  • Yup I also let somebody borrow my account thinking they were just going to look around and they started this thread calling everybody out I was beyond embarrassed when I got online this morning I emailed the mods immediately to erase the thread and changed my password
  • The group "Pregly for Adults" isn't the group planning anything, it was a group called "Fuck them all" or something of the sorts...
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  • You can access the forum without having a registered account. In order to comment you need a registered account.
  • I know, but some of the girls were offered accounts from past ladies that left on their own free will, others have been asked and willing give it up.
  • Oh ok. Sorry for the confusion. Over the drama.
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  • :/ O.o the interesting sorts of things on pregly lately.
  • @2BeForgotten The ladies that are part of the "Pregly for real women" as the "terrorist group" is now called, are also in the "pregly for adults" group. I know because I was made an admin when the "adult" group started, but deleted myself after there was conflict about deleting the "terrorist" gals, and people asking to clear the air amd start fresh with them because they were other admins friends. Sorry, but I'm not trying to keep those drama filled "girls" in a group that is trying to be drama free.

    @bettymomma I am no longer a part of the group, I deleted myself from it yesterday morning.
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  • ok soooo i am a part of pregly for adults and pregly members to keep in touch which one is the bad one or are they both good i just want advice when i need it with no drama :/ @BkE913 @2BeForgotten
  • The bad group is a secret, closed group. Neither of DelRae's or caffeinated_katies groups are bad, they're fine, and both have members from the bad group in them. The "bad" group consists of Carrie aka mommy2isaiahandgiselle, Kelli aka navywife, and some other ladies (i don't know their screen names...) And is called "Pregly for real women" and its a secret, closed group that cannot be found on FB because its closed.
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  • @2beforgotten I'm saying that the group Katie has created was done so in knowing that the "bad" ladies are a part of that group. Ever heard of "guilty by association"? The group in itself isn't bad, I've heard that its quite lovely actually, but harboring people that are running Pregly amuck and into the ground knowingly is...well... It is what it is.
  • ...can someone send me a link to the pregly for adults group? I can't find it :(
  • Does that mean you are guilty by association as well for giving them your info?
  • Wow this is ridiculous!!! All I have to say is pita chips and Jack cheese is yummy!!!
  • Im so confused by everything
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