my husband is the best!! so was my baby shower!!!

edited September 2011 in Baby showers
So as many of you know..I've been in the hospital for 16 weeks on complete bedrest.
My baby shower was today and I was terrified because it was going to be here in the hospital and no one rsvpd...
well my husband gets here today around 9 to hell me get ready for my noon party..shortly after my doctor comes in (on a Saturday) and informs me I have the permission to LEAVE the hospital for the day..
my husband had planned this all along!

My baby shower was at my brother in laws house and all my friends and family were there when I got there.

I got to wear real clothes, and leave the hospital to have a real baby shower..just had to stay in a wheel chair the whole time...

It was amazing and got a bunch of stuff!! I love it!


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