Am I the only one....

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
not trying to have this baby? Haha. Starting to think I'm lazy or insane. Everyone keeps telling me to get my labor started, get moving, etc. Everyone who is 37 wks or more is ready to have their little one. ALL my damily keeps calling and saying, well?? But I have a nice, easy, scheduled C section date for 2 wks from now and all I can think is how easy it is leaving her there for now. Haha! I can't wait to meet her, but being pregnant is so much easier and quiet. Of course this is my 4th so that might be why :) Am I Insane??


  • Haha!!! Ur not insane. I totally know how u must b feeling. If u can go 2 more weeks b4 the no sleep crazy stuff starts all power to ya! :) good luck w ur c sec. I hope all goes well and smooth.
  • Ur not insane at all. I have 4 days until my c section an im praying that she don't try to come sooner
  • thanx @mommyof3girls these 2 wks will be over in no time, and I'll be up w/a newborn wishing I was pregnant again. heehee. Besides, my nightly footrubs will be gone once she's here :) O months goes too fast ;)

    @emy thank goodness its not just me. I was starting to think I'd lost it. :) Good luck w/your csection! Let us know how it goes and fill us in on how the baby is doing. So exciting :)
  • I def. Will let u all know how it goes. Good luck with urs too!!! :)
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