My Little Lila's Birth *dun dun duuunn...*

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
I began having contractions on Wednesday Sept 7th but they did not continue at regular intervals. My midwife checked me Thursday and said I was 2cm and 50% effaced! I was pretty excited because I knew it would happen soon but I didn't want to get my hopes up (of course).
At around 2am Friday morning, I woke up to terrible pains in my back and abdomen and knew this was it! I didn't want to wake BD up yet so I went into the living room and played around on the laptop till 4 am. I timed each contraction and found they were about 7-8 mins apart. I decided to wake BD and let him know what was going on and that I would need to go soon. He was a little upset because he had to open his restaurant that morning and no one else could do it so last minute. He helped me into a bath to try and soothe the pain but it didn't help and I just wanted to lay in bed. I rested till about 6am and we started getting ready. I called my mom and let her know that I needed a ride to the hospital since BD had no choice but to go into work for a few hours. We left for her house at 7 and the contractions were coming in every 3 mins! BD dropped me off and promised to get out of there as soon as possible. My mom said we would leave soon she just had to take a shower and find someone to watch my 5 year old sister. After about 5 mins of waiting for her, I heard a pop and felt a trickle of water come out. I leaped off the couch and yelled upstairs that my water had just broke! She started to run around and as soon as my step dad got home about 3 mins later we were off.
It was 8am on a Friday morning so the freeway was out of the question. My mom did the best she could to get to the hospital fast, but it took nearly 40 mins and was very stressful and I felt like I was dying.
When we got to the hospital, it felt like no one took me seriously. They would ask, "Is this your first baby?" and when I answered "Yes" they took their time even though I kept throwing up from the pain and curling up at every contraction. They kept me in a room for almost an hour to "assess" my situation. I was already 5cm dialated at 8 oclock. BD finally got there and only one person at a time could be with me. I was getting irritable at the nurse who was taking phone calls instead of getting me into a delivery room.
I finally got a room, in which I immediately told the nurse "I need something. Now." I had planned on going natural, and at this point I gave into the pain and asked for some meds. She came back to start an IV. Then, she could not get a vein! After an hour of poking around 4 DIFFERENT HOLES!, she got one in and went to get stadol. By the time she came back I felt the urge to push. She gave me half a dose of stadol and I felt no relief. But that baby was comin. So I told her I needed to push and she paged the doctor. (Which was also a let down because I was seeing a midwife but they were all on a retreat! So I had to go with some substitute doctor I'd never met.) I began to push with the nurse and after 10 mins the doctor showed up and we got going. After a half hour of pushing she was out! It was 10:43am and she was 7lbs 2oz! She was so beautiful and I was surprised she was finally out! It was wonderful and terrible at the same time lol I don't know how I got thru it but I did it! And it was natural-ish. I consider it that way anyway lol


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