Scared about my c section

edited September 2011 in Labor
i just found out i have to have a c section what do i need to know about have a c section? what all do i need to take to the hospital ans how long will i be staying in the hospital


  • Bump! I would be scared too but i never hear bad stories nearly all good so try not to worry. I guess plenty of loose clothing, maternity pads as you will still bleed after and help from others for a good few weeks but i am a first timEr so bumped for you. Good luck though and you get a gorgeous baby at the end of it!
  • Take the same thing to the hospital as you would for a vaginal birth...loose clothes, nightgowns or loose fitted sweats, chargers, cameras. Most hospitals will keep you for 3 days following a c section. I'll be having my second in Nov, don't be scared. It's really not bad. You will need help when you get home as its harder to bend. The best advice I give anyone having a c section is to get up and move around as soon as they let you!! You will be super stiff laying in bed the whole time. Good luck!!
  • U can't eat the day of..and your stay should probably be 3 days. I just had my csec 2 weeks ago and I was terrified but it really wasn't bad, just do as much walking as u can as soon as they let you b/c the gas pains suck! If u have any more questions let me know! Good luck hun! :)
  • Just because you need a c section you still have a say in what goes on. Yeah my boyfriend can't cut the cord, but he will get to trim it once baby gets to the cleaning table. I get have music playing. Just talk with your doctor. And the normal stay is 3 days
  • I had my 2nd in february its not bad just stay calm n try to relax. You will need help when u get home it was hard for me to get out of bed I had to roll out then stand up but u will be fine
  • Im having my second one in 3 days, its not so bad. The best advice I can give is take a pillow. Put the pillow over ur incision when u cough, laugh, get up ect. It takes a lot of the pressure off.
  • I had ab emergency c section in june! It was fine no probs at all! Like people have said get up and move as soon as u can! I was walkin around and showered within 10 hours of my baby bein born and once home i was pretty much back to normal 3weeks after! Walkin cleanin etc! Usually a 3day stay and make sure u keep your scar clean after to avoid infection! Good luck
  • I had an emergency c section. I had never read about them since I hadn't planned on one and was TERRIFIED!!!! It actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. It was super scary since mine was an emergency but I am actually hoping to have a planned one with this baby! You will do great :-D
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