2y/o old pees on the dog

edited September 2011 in Just for Fun
sorry wasnt sure where to put this since we dont have a potty training section.

sooo I started the potty training ball rolling at somewhere round 17m. By 25m maybe I had him peeing in the toilet almost everytime with no issue, he would stop what he was playing with and go about his buisness. NOW he stops what hes doing runs to find my dog and pees on her *my husbands dog doesnt respond either way so hes been spared this humiliation*
Im at my wits end! i'm about to scrap the potty training i'm to pregnat for this and the poor dog is starting to stink cause baby wipe baths arent really cutting it *no way I could bath her right now I'm due next week*
anyone else have a similar problem? or atleast could you tell me my child isnt defective??



  • I wish I had advice for you! My son goes pee in the potty just fine, I can't get him to poop in the potty, so I know the frustration!
  • Ok first HAHA how cute...

    now thats outta my system. Have you tried a reward for him to use the potty and not the dog??... Is there any triggers that would have made him think it was ok? Maybe a punishment everytime he does it. Tell him he doesnt get big boy undies if he continues and change him back into a baby diaper (emphisize baby!!) If he does it. Im not quite sure but maybe some of those will help.
  • edited September 2011
    he doesnt wear undies. he thinks they are diapers and just goes in them so he runs around in long shirts or naked. several times a day he runs up to me with a diaper cause he wants them back. ive taken toys, tv, tried timeout. . . @lilbit01_209
  • I don't have any suggestions about your son, but give the dog a bath with the hose lol I couldn't live with a stinky dog
  • lol poor thing the ground water is already to cold to hose wash her @pawgio
  • Im sorry this made me giggle!!! And no your child isn't defective :-D I have potty trained 3 boys and each one was a different experience!!! Some good, some bad! I guess all you can do is wait him out and sternly tell him no when he does it. Eventually he will learn :) Good luck!!
  • Its gonna b hard, potting training usually is but you have to teach him the difference between undies an a diaper. Then explain that only babies wear diapers an show him positive things that go along with being a big boy. Wen he goes on the dog, pick him up an take him to the bathroom, explain to him what he done wrong. Wen u see him trying to find the dog take him to the potty. I know its hard but u can't give up, that's the worst thing to do.
  • Now Pushkin is afraid Blueberry is going to pee on him. Thanks. Lmao!
  • My god son did this but not just on the dog he would pee on his mom on the couch etc. Lol he would poop in potty but pee forget it he wanted to pee on things so she took him outside and pee on a bush. She tried everything too to get him to stop time outs taking toys away etc I think taking him outside helped he eventually started using potty again.
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