Bad Dream! Boo!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Just woke up from a horrible dream where they tried to do my c-section but couldnt because I was sick, so they had no way of getting the baby out. But she was in danger. It was horrible. Realy tired of these crazy pregnancy dreams, and now, with 2 wks till her birth day they are horrible birth dreams. Not liking this at ALL. Anyone else with horrible pregnancy dreams?


  • I have pretty weird dreams too
  • I had a horrible night mare that I woke up and was bleeding everywhere and when I looked my stomach was all saggy like there was nothing in it. Now this morning I'm all paranoid because baby hasn't moved much.
  • @Junebuggbabie85 yes that is a horrible dream. I would be paranoid too. my mom freaks over dreams (she believes they are telling us something) I think they are just a way for our minds to work through what we cant or dont think about when we're awake. Just in a crazy, messed up way. But I would be nervous if baby wasent moving much-wake Up Lil' One, you makin momma nervous :). These pregnancy dreams have a way of freakin us out!

    My Gumdrop was sluggish, even on her u/s last week, ended up in hospital for 6 hrs for observation. She FINALLy moved after 6 hrs. They were talking about an amnio and taking her early and then BOOM she started moving. These babies love to keep us on our toes.
  • I had a dream my grandma gave me a csec while I was asleep and stole my baby.:(
  • @nicoleok87 omg that's scary ugh. @cicelia yeah I've had some bad dreams and had a scare with really bad cramps and him not moving at all almost went to the emergency room. But then he started kicking like crazy now he is happy cuz momma had a pop tart and started playing the tapping game.
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