Can baby push himself out?!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Hahaha I obviously know that this cannot happen!! But for the last two days, it feels like he is seriously trying to! He puts his feet up in my ribs and what feels like straightens his legs and pushes extremely hard into my vagina. I feel like he's just going to pop his head out one of these times!! When I put the primrose capsuls in I can feel his head too. I find out tomorrow if I am dialted any but has this happened with anyone else?! It is sooo painful and such a weird feeling!!


  • How far along are you?
  • You can feel his head?!? Thats crazy! I started inserting my evening primose oil last night, not cool lok
  • My boy kicks of ribs and head butts me in the vag too and i am only 33weeks this week! He is a big boy tho. Doesn't feel nice does it!
  • Well actually once in active labor you body will naturally push baby out, without u giving effort! I thought it was crazy had my baby 12days ago. I told doctors like yeah my body is literally pushing the baby OUT!!! lol
  • Cause they told me I will get the urge to push but don't. I was like OK! My body did what it wanted to though.
  • I know hahah it is crazy!! And no, it definitely does nottt feel nice! I've always had pelvic pressure cause he's been really low but now it's like he is seriously trying to push himself out! It's not my body though, it's him doing it lol
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