edited September 2011 in Baby showers
I'm so lost on what to do for baby shower game gifts..and food for the babyshower as well! We are inviting A LOT of people due to both of our families being large and it being co-ed..looking at about 160 ppl so far.. -__- any input will be apreciated!


  • Gifts you can do candles or something like that.
  • I'm not playing games I'm just doing an open house with bbq and salad and crackers with dip and stuff people can come and socialize and eat a plate of food and go as they please :-)
  • I decided against games since or shower was coed. We had 75 people and no one missed them. But some food, beer and wine and let people have a good time. It's all good. Check out the pics I posted last week. Was awesome!
  • I had mine yesterday and had a lot of people aswell, instead of having a cake that would have had to be huge and expensive we did a cup cake display with pink cup cakes that had little plastic bassinets or crowns on them. Also with the food we had a large selection of veggies and dip, nachos and dip, cheese/crackers, fruit platters, miny sandwiches, and big bowles of different kinds of punch!
  • Good ideas! Thank you ladies!!
    And will do @blueberrysmom (:
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