Babies R' Us Registry- Question

I know that they will give u a discount on the things that were left on ur registry...does anyone know how this works exactly? :/


  • They will send u a postcard just before u r due its a one time use of 10% off!!!
  • A few weeks or so after your dd, they will send you a discount card in the mail. At least that was how it worked 7 yrs ago. Think its the same. Just registered a few weeks back.
  • i was told i would receive a card in the mail 3 weeks before my due date. I'm due in a week and still haven't gotten it EEERRRR!! i went to buy some things and thought if i just proved i had a registry they would give me the discount but nope they told me i need that card i put everything in my basket back
  • I'm due Oct 15 got my discount coupon on Friday. But its only good for things left on ur registry and only 1 time use
  • @0811 that sucks! 10%?? I though it was 20% for some reason and it sucks that its so close to your DD

    @Pinkigirl Thanks!
  • I just got my 10% card this week due on the 29th of sept. But the day I told them to close my registry after my shower they gave me a 10% coupon right away but it was a print out so I got two :)
  • @PregnantELF Aww that sucks! They told me that if I didnt recieve it by a certain time to go in and let them know

    @Jensensmommy15 So do you have to purchase EVERYTHING on your registry thats left or can you leave some stuff?
  • Lol n when I was shopping that day at babys r us whatever I put in my cart I added it to my registry before I got to the cash register lmao n got 10% off everything, my travel system, swing, girl everything I bought my breast pump. I was really slick wit it haha
  • No u can leave stuff but if its not on ur registry it wont give u 10% off that item.
  • Yep I agree!!! Unless ur gonna buy a ton of stuff u really don't save much, but every little bit helps, and yeah it does suck they send it so close to ur due date cuz if ur early then its very hard but they do give u a while to use it, like mine I was due 8/9 got my card around mid july and it expires oct 27, so that part is nice!!!
  • @MrsThompson34 Very slick! LOL So you just go in and tell them to close your registry?
  • yes, go in n tell them u want ur registry closed n u want the 10% off coupon n they will give it to u lol
  • I had alot of stuff to return I had alot of doubles. I had about 30 items bought off my registry. I have a phone that can access my registry to add n delete things so add the things u want on ur registry before u check out they dont kno wen u add n delete things
  • Ur welcome :) it worked for me cuz my travel system was 239 n that 10% helped. The travel system I registered for was online only so I had to pick one instore n add it asap lol n it worked haha
  • Here is what I was told. The 10% coupon they send you is the only time they allow you to "double coupon". Meaning, if you save a 20% off coupon you almost always get after a purchase.. You can get 30% off total on one item. I'm going to get my pump that way! The customer service lady told me this when I made my registrythere.
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