
My son is almost two weeks old. Because his father is an obnoxious asshole I have decided to take the high road and let his mom watch our son for a few hours twice a week so he can see him. My problem is that since I made this decision I am extremely emotional as I type I'm crying idk if I'm overreacting or what Im just really sad to be away from him for any lentgh of time.


  • @mommi_of2 awwww I know how u might feel... I felt that way after my 2nd... but my 3rd is 7wks... she goes to my MIL pretty often Mayb 4times a week.. at first I was real clingy to her, thn it kinda gave me some ME time... so I am able to really clean out my house and spend some time wit my 21month old and help her adjust to a new bby... but believe me ur not over reacting, is it possible to ease her nd urself into that routine? Or do u have to let her go do to wrk or somethan? Btw how old is ur oldest?
  • Im sorry hun. My sons 4 months old and only my fiance and myself have watched our son.:(
  • its completely normal to feel that way especially from the way things r going w ur BD maybe those emotions r kinda mixed in with those n ur separation with your son?? U cant pinpoint what it is but its normal
  • @Mami_of_3 my oldest is two and that's why I am giving her my son so I can have one on one time with her. Its only a few hours like ten to noon. Idk how I would really ease into it. No one watches my daughter at all. She is always with me her dad isn't present and I don't get along with his mom so this is all new to me
  • I have a nasty habit of thinking I can do it all on my own everyone keeps pushing me to give him to her and give my self a break but I don't want a break but I'm feeling completely forced into all of this.

    The bd has been real ugly because our son has my last name not his but he didn't do what he needed to prove himself so its been hell.
  • @mommy_of2 wow sounds like a tough situation... idk wat I would do... me n my kids dad r fortunately still together, and his mom well she's the best... but I had the same situation wit my eldest who's now 5 (different dad)... her dad went to prison when she was 7mnths (still n prison) and I always had her til a lil over a yr ago... so in a way I been through that but I had only one bby then... I know u can get through this, nd thers always a good outcome just stay positive and true to urself... if u wanna keep ur bby thn I say u can manage that to until ur good n ready n comfortable to allow him to stay with his gma... just keep ur head up... n stay strong...
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