Strange Fetal Movement (Seizures?)

edited September 2011 in Health
Currently 29w5d. Been having this happen for a couple months now. Basically, I'll start feeling rapid, repetitive movement from baby. Much too fast for hiccups (I know what they feel like) and much too fast for what I would consider "normal" movement. Happens maybe once every 1 to 2 weeks. I didn't pay attention to it much before, but now I am concerned, since he's getting bigger, and the movement feels stronger. It lasts continuously for about a minute to a few minutes, then will stop. Sometimes, it will happen throughout the day, on and off. Not daily, but has happened more often than just once a week. I'm just averaging out when I say 1 to 2 weeks.

After looking up other women asking basically the same thing, a lot of women found out their babies were having seizures in utero. I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this before. I've been extra stressed these last few days, and my mind has been racing with concern. I almost wish he would get here sooner, even though we aren't ready for him to get here yet by any means, just so I could see if he really is having seizures, and if there's anything we can do to help him. I just want him to be healthy.

Worried mommy. Help if you can. Thanks.


  • Sorry I don't no do u find u do something drink something really cold maybe take note of what Ur doing then when it happeneds my thoughts with u try not to stress
  • I had the same kind of movement around that time. I found that its because the baby isnt developed enough to control its movements. Kinda feels like they are jerking around in there. Around 32 weeks the weird movements stopped and babies movements are smooth and controlled. Doc said all is normal!
  • I remember my boys wouldn't stop
  • i'm due tomorrow and i get that feeling in the morning i'm soo worried but my doctor says baby's dont shake and its me baby's only hiccup and kick but i think we know our body i just hope my bean is okay and hopefully i get to meet her soon i am well over tired now hope everything is good on your end my dear
  • @cheekyerin it's completely at random! I've tried to figure out a pattern but no such luck.

    @new_baby_in_oct I'll have to see if it decreases. I'll ask my dr about it at my appt next week. I have my last scheduled US next week, too. That kinda makes me feel better, thank you.
  • @nativepride87 when baby gets here, do you think you could tag me and let me know how it goes and how she's doing? Hope all is well for you, too. :)
  • I had those with all my kids including this one. It's random and I always describe it as feeling like an earth quake in my tummy. Very rapid and strong and fast unpredictable movements. I don't know anything about seziers and I would ask your doctor. All I know is I think I have the same thing you have and my life are fine. I hope that helps a little
  • i certainly can have a good day lots of rest is key i wish i could have a US it would make me feel better and reassure me everything is good
  • I get that too. Hes done it at the dr and he said it's all good, don't worry. My dr does u/s @every appt and we've gotten it on the u/s. It's like hes practicing sneezing!
  • I have had the same thing since around the same time, my ob says that babies do that, its like an awkward fanning motion that they do. intro uterine siezers are very very rare unless you do hard drugs (according to my ob)
  • I have the same thing and never knew what it was
  • edited September 2011
    Haha. Okay ladies. Feeling much better, so thank you for your advice. :) I need to relax.

    @mama_luvs_her_girls An earthquake about sums it up. Lol.
    @nativepride87 I wish I could say they scheduled it because I was worried, but it's just a normal one to make sure he's good for delivery. I think they scheduled it a little early, though. I'm only gonna be 31 weeks...
    @pinkigirl Aww. Practice sneezes. That makes it sound better. :P
    @sunshinelove Whew. Thank you. :)
    @_Kaykes It seems like it must be nothing, then. :)
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