10 weeks 6 days

I haven't had any morning sickness at all nor have I had any cravings yet. This is my first time being pregnant. I am already showing. Everything I eat goes right thru me and I have lossed my appetite is this normal? Starting to get nervous.


  • I'm 10 weeks 6days too but this is my 3rd baby, I've never had morning sickness and cravings don't usual come until 2nd trimester, but also remember every pregnancy is different, if your worried speak to your doctor best of luck :)
  • I'm 11 weeks and this is my 3rd baby also. I want to eat everything and have all sorts of different cravings. I don't feel like I'm showing, just bloat so far. Everyone's different and I've never had morning sickness, just very slight nausea. Good luck to you!
  • Thank you both that made me feel better
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