Low platelet count in late pregnancy *update 9/23 baby is here*
Has anyone else had this? I am 35 weeks and 3 days with my 3rd. I had lab work done on Friday because my blood pressures have been trending up. Not really high but definitely increasing. I also have had protein in my urine at the last few appts. I am in the process of doing my 24 hour urine collection today for my appt tomorrow but I just got a call from my high risk OB's office saying that they want me to go into OB triage and get evaluated and get more lab work done. I called my sister who is a labor and delivery RN and said it isn't something to mess with (not that I would) and to go in asap but I am just wondering if anyone else has had this and if they ended up having HELLP syndrome or needing a platelet transfusion or what the outcome was... Just waiting for my husband to get home from work (he literally had just got to work when I got the call) and then go pick up my 2 older kiddos from school and head over there... Any advice and info is appreciated! Thanks!