Shes measuring Small :( dont know what to think!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
So i went to my midwife appointment today thinking everything was perfect with Emery, little to find out that she is apparently measuring smaller than she should be and has been for the last month and a half. My midwife did not inform me of this because apparently baby's measurements can fluctuate and they need at least 3 confirmed measurements that are not were they are supost to be to warent anything wrong or to warent telling me there is anything out of the ordinary. Well today was my 3rd measurement that was not were it should be so they finally told me about it. She is apparently coming up as 30 weeks and i am actually 35+2.

They are sending me for a few ultrasounds and growth checks, fluid measurements, to see if she has what she needs, and if not or if she is not growing like she should they are going to induce me right away so she can be sent to the NICU to get the help she needs.

I am absolutely devastated about all this i have no clue what to think or how to feel, i just want her to be ok and to continue growing in me until she is ready and healthy enough to come out.


  • Funda height is not acurate at all. She's just taking aprecaution. Hopefully the measurment is justoff. Try not to worry.
  • @mama2be11_4_11 @ll10
    Thats what im hopeing for, that shes just going to be a tiny little one. My next appointment with my midwife is next tuseday but the ultrasounds should be this week i just have to get a call from them to be told the day and time. Im literally having a sapz, all i can think of is her not being ok. 5 weeks off is a bit to much for me not to worry

    @mama2be11_4_11 Thank you so much for your prayers, just knowing thers even one person out ther that cares helps. Unfortunatly i have to go threw this alone
  • i wouldnt worry about it. my daughter was measuring small too when i was in the middle of my pregnancy she was about 3 weeks behind. but she caught up and she was born 2 weeks early weighing 8.2lbs. also at the end, i was measuring 2 weeks behind and she was measuring 2 weeks ahead. it was really confusing..
  • I'm going thru this right now too. She is measuring three weeks small. I go for my ultrasound Thursday. So I know your worries! Prayers for you mama!
  • I had to go through all that with my 3rd little guy. They kept saying he was going to be tiny. I went for biophysical profiles like every week and nst tests when he wouldn't cooperate, but when he was born not even a week before that they said he would only be about almost not even 5 pounds and he came out and was 7lbs 11oz so please don't stress to much because some times it just depends on who the tech is that measures you and baby and they could have measured 1 little thing wrong and that throws off the whole weight. Hope all works out. Please keep updating.

  • @babynumber02 Thank you for the prayers, it means alot. And i hope everything with your baby turns out well. Update me so i know :)
    @sophiasmom11 im sorry your going threw this aswell, they said what they are most concerned about is her chest measurements.
    @2ndbutfirst I never thought of that actually hopefully shes just a small back lurker! and thank you.
    @jazzi89 that would be confusing, but im glad she was born a healthy little girl!

    @mama2be11_4_11 zi89 Thank you, means alot :) do you have facebook?
  • @Tinknbob wow they were really off with your son! im glad he came out a healthy boy though! Ill try not to stress but what im worried about is how they were so addiment about her chest measurements, i don't want have to be induced and when she comes out her lungs arnt developed enough. I am a super huge worry wart though and being a single first time mom i guess im just letting things get to me, and i shouldn't until i know for sure what's happening with her. Thank you for the suport :)
    and i will update after the ultrasounds and let everyone know whats going on.
  • im going thru this too so please tag me when you update.. when I found out my baby girl was measuring behind I was so upset the whole day I was depressed& cried. even now i look at my tummy & iy looks so small now. everyone is like really your that far along? it hurts me when they say things like that & makes me think I did something wrong when of course I didnt..hormones make things seem more horrible then it really is..just think at least your close to full term :)
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