My ftm

edited September 2011 in First time moms
Was so calm when he was first born now he is more fussy. He doesn't cry constantly but its enough that i'm like omigod. Especially if he's not wit me. Am I doin somethin wrong? Do any of u seasoned mins have advice? Also he's been suckin on his fingers alot which seems to comfort him. Should I give n an jus give him a pacifier?


  • I would give him the pacifier, babies have a need to suck and they help with calming them. Do you bf or formula feed?
  • Yea I wuld try the pacifer to .
  • do you think maybe babies still hungry?? growth spurt maybe?? i dont use a paci so idk if it would help or not
  • try the pacifier. Its a God send!
  • does he fuss more if you lay him down flat? could be reflux...babies do like to suck and it does comfort them. I would try the pacifier..also was told by doc that babies who use pacifier at night have lower risk of sids. Something about the reflex to suck keeps them from going into the super deep sleep that can end in sids death? Sucking on fingers can be a sign of hunger or being wet as well as for comfort. Good luck and let us know how he's doing..
  • @akmommy I breastfeed an read u shouldn't give a paci or bottles at least for the first month.
    @jazzi89 yea that's wat my bff said. So,i feed him til he spits out my boob. I'll burp him an give him my boob again to make sure til he spits it out again. Sometimes it works sometimes not but if I give him to my parents it seems like he gets fussy no matter wat.
  • @Alwayzbeenurz2008 yea I thought so so I been givin him mylicon
    @Mnbaby3 thanks I didn't kno that
  • An wat is this wrap I keep hearin about?
  • it is probably just a comfort thing then. thats what i think atleast. my daughter sleeps with me in bed and she likes to be on the boob sometimes although she doesnt really eat she just like the comfort from it. she is also pretty fussy for others. mayb you could try a paci. i for one dont like them, but its your baby.otherwise let baby self soothe and chew on his fingers if you think hes had enough to eat.
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