My birth story FINALLY!!!

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
I was due Sept 24 and was dialated 3cm and 80% effaced for almost 3 weeks. Went for my 39 week check up Friday the 16th I was dilated to a 4 yay! But no contractions and no more effaced so my dr decided to go ahead and schedule me to b induced Monday which my BD is so against inducing...well Friday after the Dr we went shopping a little then we came home and out of no where I just became so tired we only shopped for about an hour nothing crazy so I laid down and fell asleep for like 5 hours which my naps r never that I got up for about to hours and still felt extremely tired BD said its probably the calm b4 the storm lol. So I ate and laid back down still no pains r anything at about 3am I woke up and felt like I had to pee so bad and I felt alil bit of what I thought was pee come out so I rolled over to get up and felt a big gush and I couldn't stop it from coming out so I said Kyle (BD) and he said yeah babe I said my water just broke (it's his first baby) he sits up and feels my pants between my legs and says r u sure I said yeah I'm sure it keeps leaking out lol he felt again and said ur not bullshittin I said no it really broke he jumps up out of bed and says OK what do we do he is running around crazy lol. So I stood up and more water a puddle on the floor so I went to the bathroom changed and told Kyle to grab some towels for the ride got to the hospital I was having contractions about two to four min apart buy they wasn't painful at all I was still a 4 but 100% and -2 they gave me my IV and took my blood then checked me again at 6 am and I was dilated 6 almost 7 I was starting to feel the contractions but not that painful but decided to get the epi then b4 it was to late and I couldn't lol so got the epi at 8am and it didn't numb my left side and they contractions was so strong so they gave me more and it took the edge off the left side but my right side was to numb at 9am she checked again and I was 9 and baby's head was right there so they gave me more epi Cuz my left side was hurting got everything ready and at that point I was so numb I couldn't feel nothing they told me I was having a contraction to go ahead and push and I had her in one contraction 4 pushes no tears lots of hair

Kylee Meadow Ahner
6lbs 13oz 19 1/2in
Born Sept 17 2011

Sorry so long but I am so proud!


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